22 Mar Consider These 4 Things When You Are Deciding Between Buying a Used Cardboard Baler or a New One
Consider These 4 Things When You Are Deciding Between Buying a Used Cardboard Baler or a New One
Cardboard balers have gained a lot of popularity in the recent year’s thanks to their usefulness. They are one of the most useful pieces of recycling equipment. They are widely used for packaging a huge amount of waste that comes in landfills. They help conserve the environment by crushing the cardboard and compressing large amounts into a single baler which is quite easy to transport.
If you are in need of a cardboard baler, then you must be deciding between whether to buy a used cardboard baler or a new one. Before you go ahead and invest the big bucks, it is recommended that you take some things into consideration. It will help you make the best decision in the end.
Here are 4 things you need to consider when you are deciding between buying a used cardboard baler or a new one:
1. Budget
Budget is one of the first things that comes to mind when you are about to invest in your business. If you are looking to buy a cardboard baler, then you already know what your budget is. Buying a used baler will save you a lot of money as compared to a new one. It is a good option if your budget is tight. On the other hand, if you are not concerned about the budget, then buying a new cardboard baler would be a wise choice.
2. Usage Frequency
Another thing that will help you decide whether to buy a used cardboard baler or a new one is your usage frequency. Ask yourself, how much and how often you will be using the cardboard baler. The answer to this question will determine whether you should buy a new baler or a used one. If your usage frequency is high, then you are better off buying a new cardboard baler because a used baler may not be capable of handling all the workload. On the other hand, if you intend to use the baler occasionally, then there is no point spending the extra money to buy a new one. A used cardboard baler will be a better choice in this regard.
3. The Time Factor
It takes time to get your new cardboard baler ordered from the manufacturer and then have it installed in your building. As compared to this, a used cardboard baler could be installed relatively quickly. So if you don’t want to wait, then a used cardboard baler is a suitable choice. On the other hand, if you are not in a hurry then you should go ahead and order a new baler.
4. Repairing Costs
The repairing and maintenance costs of a used cardboard baler will surely be higher as compared to those of a new baler. You should also consider the possibility that a used baler may break down with heavy usage due to some hidden fault that wasn’t revealed at the time of the purchase. The repairing and maintenance of a new baler will cost you relatively less as compared to a used baler. You should not rule out this important factor.
Final Word
In conclusion, when you are deciding between buying a used cardboard baler or a new one, think carefully and consider all the important factors to determine whether the one you are buying is worth the cost.
H-West Equipment, Inc is a provider of recycling equipment, based in Orange, CA. We sell and service every piece of equipment necessary, from Balers to Compactors, to Shredders, Conveyors, and much more throughout California, Arizona, Nevada and Northern Mexico. We also provide parts and expert service throughout the same coverage area. For a consultation, or to schedule service, reach us through our contact form or call us at our corporate office in Orange CA at (714) 289-7733 today!