24 Sep The 8 Stages in the Process of Cardboard Recycling
The 8 Stages in the Process of Cardboard Recycling
Recycling is the best way to prevent the depletion of our natural resources. Cardboard waste materials play an important role among the most common materials we use in our everyday lives. Recycling companies are quite helpful to the society in such regard. A huge problem faced by the modern world is the disposal of cardboard waste materials. From large communities to a single individual, people need to think of different methods and ways for recycling their collected waste occasionally.
Everyone understands the importance of recycling cardboard material, however only a fraction of the population knows the process of cardboard recycling or how it is recycled. Following are 8 stages in the process of cardboard recycling:
Stage 1
The first step is to identify the cardboard that can be recycled. Although most cardboard materials can be recycled, not all of them can. Wet cardboard, coated cardboard, and wax cardboard are probably not recyclable. Therefore, it is important to identify and understand which cardboard is recyclable.
Stage 2
Once you have identified the recyclable cardboard, it is time to start collecting it. Cardboard can be collected from houses, scrap yards, stores, trash bins, and facilities that produce cardboard waste. It is recommended that you try to separate the recyclable and non-recyclable cardboard as much as possible during this collection stage.
Stage 3
Sort out the cardboard you collected by its surface treatment and its structure. For instance, you can separate cardboard into corrugated cardboard and flat cardboard. You can dispose of the cardboard that is coated for strength enhancement.
Stage 4
If you need to deliver the cardboard to a pulping process center, then you are going to need a cardboard baler to bind and compact the cardboard into tight bales to save on storage and transportation. And if the size of the cardboard is big, then you need to shred it into smaller pieces by using a shredder, before the pulping process.
Stage 5
For creating a pulp, you will have to break down the paper fibers first, then mix them with chemicals and water in the sorted cardboard. Once the pulping process is done, the cardboard will be turned into a mushy substance. To help it solidify and give it a firmer structure, this pulp is combined with new pulp from wood chips.
Stage 6
In this stage, you can filter pulpy material by using various filters to get rid of impurities such as tape or glue.
Stage 7
This step is all about drying the filtered pulp with virgin materials.
Stage 8
Help the fibers to form a solid sheet known as liner board by squeezing out excessive water. The linerboards that make up the interior structure of a cardboard, are then glued together to create layers until a new cardboard is formed.
It is time to think green. You need to start recycling and reusing materials if you want to be a responsible citizen. You can start by cardboard recycling, which is not only a widely used product, but also a wasteful one.
When you need cardboard recycling equipment, such as cardboard balers, consult with H-West Equipment to determine the equipment that is best for your facility. We sell every piece of equipment necessary, from Balers to Compactors, to Shredders, Conveyors, and much more throughout California, Arizona, Nevada and Northern Mexico. We also provide expert service throughout the same coverage area. For consultation, or to schedule service, reach us through our contact form or call us at our corporate office in Santa Ana CA at (714) 289-7733 today!