10 Nov 6 Things That Get Put into Bales and Why
6 Things That Get Put into Bales and Why
Recycling is very important and beneficial for our environment. Used materials are processed into new products in the recycling process. This process helps reduce energy use, reduce consumption of new materials, and helps prevent waste. Once we recycle used products, they are then collected and brought to a recycling center where they are put into bales, cleaned, and then reprocessed into new materials.
Following are 6 things that get put into bales:
1. Cardboard
Once used, the cardboard is cleaned and made into bales. The bales are sold to end users where they become new recycled cardboard products. However, one thing to keep in mind that no other materials (such as bubble wrap, polystyrene, or other packaging materials) are put in the cardboard container because it can contaminate the bales which will definitely be rejected by the end users.
2. Paper
Just like many other recyclable products, paper is also compressed into large bales and then transported. It is important to clean the paper before it is made into bales. Materials such as plastic sleeves, etc. should be excluded when compressing paper into bales as they will contaminate the bales and will certainly be rejected by end processor. Once the paper is recycled, it is made into new office paper. Furthermore, it can also be used for a number of other items such as paper towels, toilet paper, newspaper, etc.
3. Plastic
After you recycle plastic, it is collected, separated, and then compressed into bales. The bales weigh up to 1,200 pounds, making them more economical to ship. Bales are also sorted for convenience and then delivered to a facility that uses bale breaker to tears them apart. If there are any metal pieces in the bales, they are removed with the use of a magnet.
4. Soft Plastics (Plastic Bottles, Pots, Tubs, etc.)
Soft plastics are another item that are put into bales for recycling purposes. A special processor bales these materials and then sells them for new recycled products. A variety of polymers can be used to make soft plastic products. However, for some certain products they are needed to be separated because they require different processing for recycling. That’s why the final products and their uses differ.
5. Plastic Lids
Plastic lids are thin and small, so they are easily hidden by cardboard and paper as they are transported to sorting facilities. After reaching those facilities, the plastic lids end up in bales of cardboard or paper, which ultimately makes them difficult to sell.
6. Aluminum Cans
The method of recycling aluminum cans is also the same as most other products. They are transported to the recycling center where they get compacted into a bale. The bales are then transported to processing plants where shredding machines shred them into small pieces. And then the melting process of these aluminum shreds begins. After they are melted down, they are mixed with raw aluminum materials. From there, they are molded into new products such as aluminum foil and aluminum cans.
H-West Equipment, Inc is a provider of recycling equipment, based in Orange, CA. We sell and service every piece of equipment necessary, from Balers to Compactors, to Shredders, Conveyors, and much more throughout California, Arizona, Nevada and Northern Mexico. We also provide parts and expert service throughout the same coverage area. For a consultation, or to schedule service, reach us through our contact form or call us at our corporate office in Orange CA at (714) 289-7733 today!