04 Jul 5 Reasons You Should Consider Using a Cardboard Recycling Service At Your Business
5 Reasons You Should Consider Using a Cardboard Recycling Service At Your Business
Some businesses discard a large volume of cardboard boxes on regular basis. Cardboard recycling can become a lot easier and efficient if you use a cardboard recycling service. Many businesses benefit from cardboard recycling services. Not only do these services allow you to help the environment, they also save you money from your garbage bill.
Following are 5 reasons you should consider using a cardboard recycling service at your business:
1. Efficient Waste Management
Cardboard recycling services are great for those businesses that generate a lot of cardboard on regular basis. These services are dedicated to offering businesses efficient and cost-effective solutions for removing cardboard waste from their workplaces. They will work with you to develop and execute a robust recycling strategy. They can help you analyze and reduce cardboard waste in your business. By using a cardboard recycling service, you will be able to flexibly deal with waste cardboard, paper, and plastic recycling requirements. The service will also optimize your recycling and reduce waste going to landfill.
2. Reduced Collection Costs
Cardboard recycling services aim to offer businesses the best commercial return by showing them which cardboard and paper grades need to be segregated. In this way, these services offer you the opportunity of reducing collection costs as well as creating an additional revenue stream.
3. Meeting Legal Obligations
In some industries, businesses have a legal responsibility for disposal of certain products and wastes. By complying through recycling schemes, you will avoid fines and penalties. Cardboards are the most common recycling products that most businesses throw away. By using a cardboard recycling service, you will make sure that you are adhering to local recycling laws. Furthermore, you will also ensure that you are doing your part in preserving the environment.
4. Happy Employees
Everyone is becoming more aware of the environmental responsibility and that includes your employees as well. Employees want business owners to take more action when it comes to recycling waste generated by the business. With increasing environmental concerns, employees expect the business to work with recycling services to recycle cardboard and other wastes. As a matter of fact, an increasing number of prospective employees these days look to work for businesses that make efforts to fulfill environmental responsibility and operate under ethical policies. Apart from recruitment, your recycling efforts (e.g. working with a cardboard recycling company) will help retain your current employees, keeping them happier, more engaged, and productive.
5. Increased Business Reputation
By using a cardboard recycling service, you can attract new customers, improve customer loyalty by showing your environmental responsibility via recycling efforts and increasing your chances of winning contracts. You probably have a lot of customers who care about the environment. Your cooperation with a cardboard recycling company will allow you to reassure those clients that you are doing everything you can to positively contribute to the community and reducing waste in the most efficient way possible. Working with a recycling company is not only great PR, but it also offers tangible results.
H-West Equipment, Inc is a provider of recycling equipment, based in Orange, CA. We sell and service every piece of equipment necessary, from Balers to Compactors, to Shredders, Conveyors, and much more throughout California, Arizona, Nevada and Northern Mexico. We also provide parts and expert service throughout the same coverage area. For a consultation, or to schedule service, reach us through our contact form or call us at our corporate office in Orange CA at (714) 289-7733 today!